Saturday, January 16, 2010

Progesterone and Peanuts!!

This is a humourous incident... again, my verbal filter was set quite low.

My wife was prescribed progesterone suppositories during our 4th pregnancy - the RFP faxed the prescription over to the drug store of our choice. On our way to the drug store I asked my wife, "A suppository? How does sticking this thing up your butt help?" to which she laughed and replied, "No dear, it's not that kind of suppository. They go in the 'other hole'".

We got to the drug store - the pharmacist was a younger east Indian male. We lived in a predominantly east Indian community in Calgary at this time. He spoke with the typical east Indian accent you would expect.

He took our information, looked at the prescription and asked my wife, "Are you alergic to penis?" My reply, after giggling like a school girl for a minute, "Excuse me? I'm pretty sure we don't have that problem".

Before you ladies and gents judge me, remember that I knew nothing about this. Maybe there really was a penis alergy and that's why some couples can't conceive?

Just like at the clinic, my wife leaned over and whispered to me, "Peanuts."

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